Exciting News: My Handmade Pottery Journey Continues with an Online Store!

Hello everyone! I'm happy to share that I'm finally taking a big step forward in my pottery journey—my online store is now open! Last year, I've been making preparations on and off, unable to begin due to different reasons or excuses. But today, I am excited to announce that I am ready to embark on this new chapter!

Introducing: The First Project—Unique Cup and Saucer Sets

When you visit my online store, you'll discover a collection of eight hand-thrown cup and saucer sets. These sets mark the beginning of a new creative endeavor—a project specifically crafted for this new journey. Initially, opening an online store wasn't part of my plan. I simply wanted to challenge my own abilities and emulate the skills of professional pottery artisans. I aimed to create multiple identical pieces within a limited timeframe, aspiring to become a skilled ceramic artist myself.

Designing the Cup Collection

In designing the Cup Collection, I began by sketching eight different cup shapes and calculating their dimensions. I carefully planned the production timeline and created initial cups as experimental prototypes. Through multiple adjustments on the wheel throwing process and time management, I ultimately crafted a set of eight cup and saucer designs I like. Some of these feature timeless hand-carved line patterns and are elegantly glazed in my favorite color, white. This meticulous process brought the entire collection to life.

The Thrill of Consistency and Challenges

The thrill of maintaining consistency on the technique of the hand thrown pottery was a captivating challenge. My aim with each cup design was to throw four to five cups consecutively, ensuring a uniform appearance and dimensions. Carefully measurements, note-taking, and attention to detail were crucial. Any deviation meant starting over. Once the cups took shape, I patiently wait and added handles on the cups at the 'leather hard' stage. Creating my pottery in a shared studio within a limited timeframe, effective time management plays a crucial role in the entire creation process. The temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment can influence the status of the clay, so it's essential to seize the appropriate timing to ensure smooth workflow and make the most of the studio time. Creating the saucers offered a more relaxed approach, celebrating the beauty of handmade imperfections. Each cup and saucer style had its unique throwing process, presenting intriguing challenges that added to the overall allure and excitement."

Rediscovering Passion and Fulfillment

To my surprise, I found that working towards a goal and wholeheartedly dedicating myself to a beloved project brought immense satisfaction. It reignited my passion for the creative process and rekindled my interest in pottery.  Throughout this journey, I've explored various techniques and tools, embracing the excitement and challenges of creating unique pieces in different styles.

Gratitude and Hope for the Future

I am deeply grateful for the encouragement from friends and the support of my loved ones. Despite my inner struggles and concerns, I think I am ready to embark on this new chapter. While pottery creation may not be my full-time pursuit, it will always hold a special place in my heart. I look forward to sharing more captivating creations with all of you. Stay connected by following 1212craft on Instagram and visiting my online store! Wishing you a wonderful day!"


